3-1-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Roppongi T Cube 14F (Reception 14th floor) View on Google Map
3-1-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Roppongi T Cube 14F (Reception 14th floor) View on Google Map
Trend & Insight
Discover new marketing approaches from consumer voices
Analyze the volume and trends of messages from qualitative data sent by consumers in real time.
This is a research/analysis solution that extracts demand trends and insights from keywords and context and discovers new customer segments according to our client's business objectives.
Our specialized strategic planners and marketing researchers will be in charge of creating reports and consulting that can be used for your strategy formulation, product development, creative development, promotion planning, etc.
Collect/classify posts based on keywords related to brands and markets. Capture the characteristics of each user attribute and formulate a detailed hypothesis.
A single voice that is often overlooked in mechanical/quantitative approaches. Researchers identify content that is a sign of creating future customers.
We grasp phenomena from multiple angles using different data such as TV programs, internet news, and survey data, and objectively view the actual situation and potential for growth.
Consultants and strategic planners who are well-versed in execution work together to handle projects. We support the growth of our customers' businesses without falling into inorganic data analysis, with a scope that extends to the implementation of specific measures.
Grasp changes in consumer trends from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives
Discovering consumer insights for product development
Discover customer segments that will help you differentiate from your competitors
Extraction of effective selling points for strategy formulation
Reducing the amount of work required for quantitative/qualitative research