Creative analysis &

Creative Analysis & Development

Creative development to achieve desired results with data strategy



TV commercials are entering an era where they can achieve targeted results

In the future, the new de facto standard for TV commercials will be to "maximize results, including recognition, purchase intent, and brand image" by producing creatives tailored to the purpose.


Data science is the key to unlocking a new era in advertising

Despite the fact that the creative aspects of TV commercials have a large impact on advertising results, it has been difficult to quantitatively measure the effects, and decisions have often been made based on intuition. XICA uses unique creative analysis technology that utilizes brain wave analysis and data science to ``maximize desired results'' based on quantitative evidence. Starting from data-driven marketing strategies and communication plans, we provide an all-in-one service from creative analysis to production of TV commercials.


Maximizing Ad ROI through Data Science and Creative Networks

Based on a "creative recipe" that focuses on reproducibility and the fusion of ideas through data science, we assign creators suited to the analysis results.
In collaboration with creative partners, we maximize the value provided by quantitative evidence and creator networks.

SCENE scene

This solution specializes in the analysis and production of video creatives designed to achieve targeted results within the marketing funnel.

Please feel free to share any issues or challenges you're experiencing.

We'd like to scientifically analyze the results of our past TV commercials and improve future ads to better align with our objectives.

We aim to visualize the effectiveness of communication at each touchpoint and optimize accordingly.

We aim to produce and strategically deploy TV commercials that deliver results, backed by objective evidence for our creative ideas.

We'd like to assign creators whose skills match the characteristics of the creative work we're producing.

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An approach to the unconscious that boosts creative effectiveness

~ Marketers should know how to invite and utilize invisible emotions ~

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VALUE Value we can provide


Analysis technology created through unique research and development

In the future, the new de facto standard for TV commercials will be to "maximize results, including recognition, purchase intent, and brand image" by producing creatives tailored to the purpose.

analysis technology

Jointly developed by data scientists and creative professionals. Discovery of creative atoms, elemental symbols, and laws through research in brain science and data science.

Fusion with new technology

Data science is the key to fusing technology that crosses the life sciences centered on brain science and the heuristic humanities.

Joint development with business partners

Achieve commercial production that maximizes advertising ROI with "data science x creator network" Expand collaboration with creative agencies and creative boutiques with advanced planning and production capabilities to improve the value XICA provides


Utilizing brain waves
Creative analysis/planning/production solutions

Compatible content

TV commercial/WEB video


Identify creatives that lead to results using unique analysis technology that utilizes brain wave analysis and data science


Synergy created by creative recipes* designed based on analysis and creators' ideas
*Creative elements and composition that lead to results


Maximize advertising effectiveness with creatives tailored to results


Waveform of video to be analyzed

Analyze and extract the brain waves needed to achieve results and the creative elements that lead to those waveforms. Create a recipe for the creative elements you need.

Make a recipe of creative elements necessary to achieve ideal brainwaves

Waveforms required for desired outcome

We produce videos that reflect creative element recipes in planning and production. As a result, the targeted brain waves are generated and the desired results are achieved.

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Bringing certainty to “CM creative”

~The option of neuromarketing~

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A funnel starting point created by maximizing the effectiveness of commercials
integrated promotion

We propose effective measures for funnels based on the big data of online and offline advertising held by MAGELLAN, an MMM service.
Maximize marketing effectiveness through promotions that integrate content, real, and digital through collaboration with digital agencies.

CREATION Solutions we can provide

TV commercial/WEB video

Digital measures


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We are entering an era where TV commercials can achieve the desired results.

~ Case study of achieving a 70% increase in results through data-driven creative production ~

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TECHNOLOGY Related XICA technology

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ARTICLE Introduction Article